The origin of Coffee - Where it comes from? How it made?

It was a Saturday night at the red-roofed house near Ledyard, Connecticut, New London. It's a family of 3 members, Joe, Leah, and Firouz. 

- Firouz, it is ten now. Time to bed - said the father, Joe

- Yeah, bed we-storytime, papa - yelled little Firouz - I am so excited to listen to your adventure story. 

- Little Nomad crew, what story do you want to discuss today?

- Papa, what is your favorite drink? 

- You know it well. It is always coffee, Firouz. 

- Mama always complains about your coffee routine. She told me you drink it every day, and it's not good for your health, Papa - sighed boy to his father. 

- Oh dear, I know that, and it is one of my favorite hobbies. I can't help but drink a cup of cafe in the early morning is the best feeling ever to start a day. I am keen on the enjoyment of drinking coffee.

- Why are you love drinking coffee, Papa? 

- As an IELTS candidate, I would say, oh, drinking coffee has two sides of coins. It both brings positive and negative effects to our health - Being hilarious Joe to his son. 

- C'mon, Papa, please do not tell me about your academic vocabulary. It makes me insomnia, Papa. Too stressful - Firouz showed his traumatic face 

- Oh, what an intelligent boy, Firouz. You just brought out one of the sound effects of coffee. It keeps us from falling asleep during the day, and we can have more energy to work. - Joe explained in detail. 

- Yes, but Papa, I wonder where coffee comes from - Firouz turned to ask. He seems to have a lot of things to question his Papa. 

- So, the scientist of Nomad, I am Joe. Today, I would like to share with you the origin of coffee. I will tell you about its story, where it comes from, and how we made it to the daily delicious drink? 

- It sounds great. I am ready now! 

- We will start first with the myth of the coffee. Listen carefully, Firouz - Papa Joe began to slow as the way the Nomad ship left the seashore.

In the late 15th century, in modern-day Ethiopia, Oral traditions can trace the history of coffee back to centuries. Goat herders in Kaffa discovered some goats in the herd after eating a plant with white blossoms and red fruit that had unbelievable energic actives. 

The goat's herders and the monks in the monastery tried the coffee juice and confirmed its effectiveness.

The coffee tree and coffee drinking first appeared, but no pieces of evidence have been found, except for the paper recorded in 1671 about the goats and magic plants. People believed that monks used the coffee juice in Yemeni Sufi monasteries to help concentrate during prayers. 

- Oh, Papa, we should shout out for the goats because they found the coffee plants. - Little boy jumped in of the story

- Biggest thanks for the goat from my appreciation - Agree, Joe - And, we continue to the spread the development of coffee.

In the early 16th century, coffee expanded to the Levant and Persia, causing controversy about whether it was permissible in Ottoman and Mamluk civilizations.

Then, through commercial Mediterranean trade routes, coffee arrived in Central and Eastern Europe. By the mid-17th century, it had reached India and the East Indies. Coffee houses would establish themselves in Western Europe by the late 17th century, especially in England and Germany. 

After the 20th century, coffee juice became the favorite drink globally. At the moment, it is a thoughtful economic issue to find a street that has no coffee shop. 

- What a big step of development, Papa! From the cherries bean eaten by the goats in the highland to all people worldwide. That exploded! - said Firouz - And Papa, like your story, people used the coffee juice in the past. In the present, I saw that you use the coffee as powdered. How do you make it?

- Oh, crew mate, do you want to know how to make coffee from bean to powdered? 

- Yes, Papa. Show me, show me! - Firouz was so excited.

- Beginning with the picture I am showing you. It is a coffee bean traveling process from seed to cup of a cafe. 

There is three evolution as follows.

- Growing - Processing Coffee: From Seed to Green Coffee Bean.

Coffee production starts with growing a coffee plant. The regions where coffee beans come from are collectively known as the coffee belt. Coffee processing removes the coffee beans from the coffee cherry and dries them. This results in green beans that you can store until roasting.  

- Roasting Coffee: From Green to Brown Coffee Bean

The coffee is roasted to give it the deep brown hue you're used to seeing in the neighborhood cafe. Roasting the coffee makes it more soluble, allows you to extract all of its wonderful flavors when you brew it and adds new flavors. The taste of a roast depends on the time and temperature of roasting. 

Are you the lighted person with the lightly roasted bean that brought with origin or floral favor or the person with toasted flavor notes and a whole body?

- Brewing And Extraction: From Beans to "Good morning, a cup of cafe, please."

Brewing extracts the soluble flavor compounds from the coffee beans into hot water. To facilitate this extraction, we grind the coffee. The finer the ground coffee beans, the faster you can extract them. That's why you need finely ground coffee to pull a quick shot of espresso. A medium grind is for a pour-over and coarse for a slow method like a French press or cold brew.

- That's all, Firouz. We just traveled around the Coffee Kingdom. So you now know about its origin well, right? - Joe kissed his son's cheek - So, should we say good night for now? 

- Oh, Papa. I think I am insomnia now - Firous stretched his arms, and his lip was pouting. 

- What happens? We got a fantastic journey to the Coffee Kingdom. Tell me how do you feel now? 

- I got a lot of caffeine in your coffee story. It keeps me away from sleep - laugh out loud Firouz =))))))) - Good night, Papa. I love you!

Good job Firouz. I thought that I did provide you some interesting information about the origin of coffee. 

TFE will be back to the next blog, 
Stay tuned,
Have a good day! 

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