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What you need to know about World Photography Day?

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  WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAY: CELEBRATING THE ART OF CAPTURING MOMENTS In our modern world, where every day seems to be marked by an international observance, there's one day that holds a special place for those who have an eye for capturing the world's beauty and stories through the lens – World Photography Day. Celebrated annually on August 19th, this day is more than just an ordinary date on the calendar. It's a day to recognize and celebrate the art of photography, the power it holds, and the countless stories it tells. So, let's dive into the intriguing world of photography and explore what makes World Photography Day so captivating. Understanding the Significance of World Photography Day Photography is a universal language that speaks volumes without uttering a word. It captures moments frozen in time, preserving memories and emotions for generations to come. On August 19th every year, the world comes together to celebrate World Photography Day – a day dedicated to hon

What you need to know about World Elephant Day?

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WORLD ELEPHANT DAY:  A DAY TO CELEBRATE AND CONSERVE OUR MAJESTIC GIANTS Every year on August 12th, the world comes together to celebrate and raise awareness about one of nature's most magnificent creatures - elephants. World Elephant Day is a global event dedicated to honoring these gentle giants and highlighting the urgent need for their conservation. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of World Elephant Day, explore the challenges faced by elephants, and discuss ways you can contribute to their preservation. The Significance of World Elephant Day World Elephant Day was established in 2012 to shine a spotlight on the critical issues facing elephants and to promote their protection and survival. This day serves as a reminder of the vital role elephants play in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. Elephants are often referred to as "keystone species" because their presence influences the entire ecosystem. They create pathways in d

What you need to know about International Beer Day?

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  WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INTERNATIONAL BEER DAY? International Beer Day is a global celebration of one of the world's oldest and most beloved beverages. Observed on the first Friday of August every year, this special day brings together beer enthusiasts from all corners of the globe to raise their glasses and toast the art of brewing. Whether you're a seasoned beer connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of brews, this blog will take you on a journey through the origins, significance, and festivities of International Beer Day. THE ORIGINS AND SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNATIONAL BEER DAY International Beer Day (IBD) was first celebrated in 2007, founded by Jesse Avshalomov as a way to gather friends and enjoy a cold one together. Since then, it has grown into a worldwide event, promoting the appreciation of beer's rich history and cultural impact. Beyond the revelry, IBD also aims to raise awareness about responsible drinking and support local breweries. This day

What you need to know about the World Oceans Day?

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World Oceans Day is an annual global event celebrated on June 8th, dedicated to honoring and raising awareness about the importance of our oceans. As the lifeblood of our planet, the oceans provide us with food, oxygen, and countless resources, while also playing a vital role in regulating the climate. In this blog, we will explore the significance of World Oceans Day and delve into the reasons why we should all care about the health and preservation of our oceans. I.   The Purpose of World Oceans Day:  World Oceans Day serves as a platform to educate and engage individuals, communities, and organizations in ocean conservation efforts. It aims to highlight the critical issues facing our oceans, such as pollution, overfishing, climate change, and habitat destruction. By raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices, World Oceans Day strives to inspire action and empower people to become stewards of the oceans. II. The Importance of Ocean Conservation: Biodiversity: The oceans ar

What do you need to know about World Environment Day?

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  World Environment Day is a global event celebrated on June 5th each year, aimed at raising awareness and promoting action for the protection of our environment. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address environmental issues and create a sustainable future for our planet. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of World Environment Day, its history, and how you can contribute to this important cause. I. The Origins of World Environment Day:  World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, during the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. This conference brought together world leaders and environmentalists to discuss pressing environmental challenges and develop strategies for environmental protection. Since then, World Environment Day has been celebrated annually to engage individuals, communities, and governments worldwide in environmental initiatives. II. The Theme and Importance:  Each year, World Environment D

What you need to know about the World Bicycle Day?

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  World Bicycle Day is a global celebration dedicated to promoting and highlighting the importance of bicycles as a sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, this annual observance aims to raise awareness about the benefits of cycling and encourage more people to incorporate it into their daily lives. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of World Bicycle Day and explore the numerous advantages of cycling for individuals and the environment. World Bicycle Day on June 3rd I. THE ORIGINS OF WORLD BICYCLE DAY World Bicycle Day, celebrated on June 3rd each year, is a global observance that highlights the significance of bicycles as a sustainable and accessible mode of transportation. This international day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in April 2018, recognizing the universal appeal and numerous benefits of cycling. The initiative was spearheaded by the Permanent Mission of Turkm

Where Christmas is celebrated in Summer?

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Good morning from The Fackin' English team, We are now in the summer of a tropical climate. Baby, it's hot outside! And, we miss from the light to the chilled to the bone coldness of winter, or perhaps, we do crave the most beautiful time of the year - Christmas! The world's a big place, after all. We know that Christmas is always celebrated on December 25 worldwide. In reality, we only honor the day, not the season. Some places in the world enjoy the Christmas season in July. Yes, you do not get it wrong. It is July of summer! And now, we will find to the White Christmas in summer with The Fackin' English with some questions.  The first question is, where is Christmas celebrated in summer? The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed from those in the Northern Hemisphere, with summer falling in December, January, and February and winter in J une, July, and August.   Thus, Christmas in July or Midwinter Christmas activities are held in various Sout

What you need to know about St. Patrick's Day - Origin, Facts & Traditions

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  St. Patrick’s Day observes of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland PARADE St. Patrick's Day was first celebrated in the Spanish colony in what is now St. Augustine, Florida in the 17th century. Since then, it has overtime become a national holiday of Ireland and the Irish communities around the world. On March 17 th , St. Patrick’s Day, everyone takes his or her time off to decorate every corner of the street and cover them in a traditional green with a clover emblem.  In some places, rivers, monuments, and even ski resorts are often colored green to commemorate this special occasion. Both sides of the Chicago River are dyed green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Of course, food and drinks also wear a fresh green as they bring everybody an incredible feast. Food and drinks wear a fresh green To start off this exciting holiday, festival parades are held in which people can often be seen dressed in either traditional Irish cos