What are the differences between White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate?

Another day in a red-roofed house, Firouz is ready for his bedtime story with his Papa Joe. - Firouz, what is your favorite dessert? - Joe started - Brownie, Brownie with topping cream - excited the boy Firouz - Yes, the best choice for chocolate lovers, Papa loves it too - Joe held his little and put the lamp in gentle light. - Firouz, Papa loves dark chocolate because of its benefit for heart health. What type of chocolate do you like? Dark, Milk or White Chocolate? - Hmm, Papa, I wonder if it has any difference between Milk and White Chocolate? - Firouz asked. - I know the topic of our bedtime story today, Firouz. Papa will explain to you the difference between Milk and White Chocolate . So now, let's get started! Many different kinds of chocolate are available in the market nowadays, and they're not all prepared the same way. Besides bittersweet Dark Chocolate, Milk chocolate and White chocolate are two of the most popular types of chocolate. Many peo...