The origin of FIFA World Cup

Dear crew mate Firouz, How are you today? Do you have fun at school? Do you enjoy your Miss Leah dinner? Papa is in Qatar doing my job as a live reporter for World Cup 2022. It is my great honor, Firouz. I miss you much as your excitement in discovering the world, crew mate. I miss your hug in the morning, your smile after you get home from school, and our enjoyment in the series Firouz's Bedtime Stories every night. Miss Leah will read this message as an episode of our bedtime stories. Papa Joey would like to introduce you to World Cup, the origin of the FIFA World Cup. Football is the King of Sports in the world. Before the World Cup was inaugurated, FIFA gave the football tournament arranged as part of the Summer Olympics the most prestige. But in the 1920s, the game faced a transition to professionalism that was not consistent with the Olympic spirit. Therefore, FIFA, as the sport's global governing body, made plans to organize a World Cup. The first offici...