What is Illusion? - The Fackin' English Zone
What is an Illusion? - If one day there is someone who asks you this question, can you give them the answer? To be honest, that question is so difficult to answer. There are many explanations for the illusion that you can search on the internet. But lets us show you what the illusion is. A few years ago, a little child is playing in the calm Cuxhaven Port in the North of Germany. Apparently, He is running back home to tell his mother with a panicked look on his face, "Mom, I see an island is falling from the sky!", He said. His mother could not help laughing at him and she looks outside the window. But, when she noticed that there is a "Big hand" is waving, the smile on her face has gone. That is an Illusion . In the evening, this phenomenon disappeared and the fear of that kid has also gone. AND WHAT IS ILLUSION? An Illusion is a special phenomenon. It appears w...