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What are the differences between White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate?

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  Another day in a red-roofed house, Firouz is ready for his bedtime story with his Papa Joe. - Firouz, what is your favorite dessert? - Joe started - Brownie, Brownie with topping cream - excited the boy Firouz - Yes, the best choice for chocolate lovers, Papa loves it too - Joe held his little and put the lamp in gentle light. - Firouz, Papa loves dark chocolate because of its benefit for heart health. What type of chocolate do you like? Dark, Milk or White Chocolate? - Hmm, Papa, I wonder if it has any difference between Milk and White Chocolate? - Firouz asked. - I know the topic of our bedtime story today, Firouz. Papa will explain to you the difference between Milk and White Chocolate . So now, let's get started! Many different kinds of chocolate are available in the market nowadays, and they're not all prepared the same way. Besides bittersweet Dark Chocolate, Milk chocolate and White chocolate are two of the most popular types of chocolate. Many peo

The Story of Tea bags - Origin, when & where it invented

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- Papa, It's ten now. Hurry up, and I can't wait to hear today's story - excited Firouz climbed to stairs quickly. - Mind your step, little boy ! - said Joe - Did you brush your teeth? - Papa, I did brush my teeth, washed my face, and Miss-Your-Leah changed me into the bed suit. Come on, Papa, I will tell Captain Sinbad about your slow-going - Firouz started to complain since he saw his Papa did not move his eyes out from the news on TV - PAPA Joeyyyy !! - Okay, crew, Papa will be there in one more minute. Just prepare yourself for the next adventure. - Joe stood up and followed his son to the bed. - Don't forget to kiss Mom goodnight before you go to bed, Firouz! - I am so much ready, Papa - Smiled Firouz - Good night, mama. I love you as much I love ice cream - He kissed his mother Leah - And, would you mind if you take me to Haagen Daaz tomorrow? - What an ice-cream boy! - Leah kissed Firouz - Enjoy your nighttime. Mama loves you - Firouz went to his room

Can Environment change your DNA?

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  Can the Environment change your DNA? What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbreviated DNA) is the molecule that carries the genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism. DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder — a shape known as a double helix. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). The two strands are connected by chemical bonds between the bases: adenine bonds with thymine, and cytosine bonds with guanine. The sequence of the bases along DNA’s backbone encodes biological information, such as the instructions for making a protein or RNA molecule. Can DNA be changed by the environment? While the sequence of DNA may not be affected by your environment, the way genes work—called gene expression—can.   Think of DNA as a computer’s hardware; there may be several ty

The origin of Tea - Where, When, How it comes from?

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  The origin of Tea - Where, When, How did it come from? Tea   is the second most popular beverage in the world (after water). It is made by steeping the leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in boiling water for several minutes to several hours. Tea leaves can be oxidized (fermented), roasted, dried, or mixed with other herbs such as flowers, spices, or other fruits before being boiled in water. Within the range of Camellia sinensis beverages, there are four true teas: Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Green Tea, and White Tea.   There are many different types of tea; some have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavor,   while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral, or grassy notes.   Tea is a natural source of caffeine, theophylline, and antioxidants and has almost no fat, carbohydrates, or protein. The tea is fragrant, slightly bitter, and acrid. THE HISTORY STORY OF TEA COMES FROM CHINA The tea we know and love today has had a jo

What tea is good for relieving stomachache?

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  What tea is good for stomach pain? Everyone experiences an upset stomach and indigestion, or dyspepsia, from time to time after eating or drinking. The condition  has no causes to be a concern  and it is often possible to treat the symptoms using home remedies. Common symptoms of an upset stomach and indigestion include: Heartburn, or acid reflux Nausea Bloating Gas Belching, sometimes bringing up bitter or foul-tasting fluid or food Farting Bad-smelling or sour breath Hiccupping or coughing When stomach pain stops you in your tracks, it could be tea to the rescue. To help settle your next stomachache, the answer could be in your tea leaves, as certain types may help you get relief. Here are the teas for upset stomach worth a steep — and the science behind them. If your stomachaches happen without any serious underlying causes, tea could be worth a try. Here are 9 teas to soothe an upset stomach. 1. Green tea Green tea has been heavily researched for its many potential health benefit

Những lời nhắn gởi cho những người cha của chúng ta - Father's Day 2022

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  FATHER’S DAY - NHỮNG LỜI NHẮN GỬI ĐẾN CHA Bạn có bao giờ chợt nhận ra rằng đã lâu rồi mình không ngồi tâm sự với cha giữa cuộc sống tấp nập, hối hả này không? Đã bao lâu rồi bạn không nói những câu yêu thương dành cho người hùng vĩ đại này? Hay là, bạn nghĩ đó là điều hiển nhiên nên ít lần bày tỏ thành lời hay hành động, cử chi. Thật ra ba của chúng ta dù có mạnh mẽ đến đâu, có cứng rắn đến đâu nhưng khi nghe những lời nói yêu thương từ con cái luôn trở nên mềm yếu dù không thể hiện ra ngoài. Hoặc ba chúng ta có bận rộn đến đâu nhưng khi bạn cần một người bạn chân thành để chia sẻ bao nhiêu câu chuyện trên đời mà bạn gặp phải đều luôn bên cạnh lắng nghe bạn. Nếu bạn là người ngại thể hiện những tình cảm của mình qua lời nói, bạn có thể dùng những bức thư, câu chữ gửi đến ba của mình. Hãy để những lá thư yêu thương nhắn gửi tình cảm của bạn nhé! Nhân ngày đặc biệt đầy ý nghĩa dành cho những người đàn ông vĩ đại, TFE dành cho bạn những gợi ý câu chúc yêu thương cho bạn nhé! 1. Happy Fa

The origin of Coffee - Where it comes from? How it made?

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It was a Saturday night at the red-roofed house near Ledyard, Connecticut, New London. It's a family of 3 members, Joe, Leah, and Firouz.  - Firouz, it is ten now. Time to bed - said the father, Joe - Yeah, bed we-storytime, papa - yelled little Firouz - I am so excited to listen to your adventure story.  - Little Nomad crew, what story do you want to discuss today? - Papa, what is your favorite drink?  - You know it well. It is always coffee , Firouz.  - Mama always complains about your coffee routine. She told me you drink it every day, and it's not good for your health, Papa - sighed boy to his father.  - Oh dear, I know that, and it is one of my favorite hobbies. I can't help but drink a cup of cafe in the early morning is the best feeling ever to start a day. I am keen on the enjoyment of drinking coffee. - Why are you love drinking coffee, Papa?  - As an IELTS candidate, I would say, oh, drinking coffee has two sides of coins. It both brings positive and negative