Where Christmas is celebrated in Summer?

Good morning from The Fackin' English team, We are now in the summer of a tropical climate. Baby, it's hot outside! And, we miss from the light to the chilled to the bone coldness of winter, or perhaps, we do crave the most beautiful time of the year - Christmas! The world's a big place, after all. We know that Christmas is always celebrated on December 25 worldwide. In reality, we only honor the day, not the season. Some places in the world enjoy the Christmas season in July. Yes, you do not get it wrong. It is July of summer! And now, we will find to the White Christmas in summer with The Fackin' English with some questions. The first question is, where is Christmas celebrated in summer? The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed from those in the Northern Hemisphere, with summer falling in December, January, and February and winter in J une, July, and August. Thus, Christmas in July or Midwinter Christmas activities are held in various Sout...